What are the characteristics of industrial UPS power supplies
14 Jun 2024

Industrial UPS power supply needs to focus on the design of the ability to operate in high-temperature environments. Component design must be adapted to the operating requirements of industrial environments, high temperature and high humidity, but also to cope with corrosive gases on the corrosion of the system.

Operating continuously at full load under a variety of operating conditions, industrial UPS systems are often maintained by field technicians, so machine design must take into account the ability to isolate critical components in the field. Maintenance itself not only takes time, but also requires the machine to be switched to bypass operation during maintenance. Industrial UPS must also have a higher tolerance than UPSs used in server room environments.

Industrial-grade UPS power supply need to check the actual load power supply environment power environment or poor, frequency and voltage fluctuations are large, need to use industrial trouble UP power supply.

Large capacity, high reliability, stable performance, can meet the various needs of users.

Frequency is automatically recognized and adapted to 50 Hz/60 H power systems to meet the requirements of different power systems.

Pure on-line double conversion type, providing optimum power quality, suitable for a wide range of loads, with high overload capacity.

Industrial UPS power supply consists of 6-pulse or 12-pulse fully-controlled bridge, which improves the input power of UPS and features wide input range and strong protection ability. Zero wire misconnection protection, ultra-high and low overload protection and soft start function.

Full digital control technology is a combination of reliability, availability, intelligence, energy-saving UPS power supply, with an ultra-wide input voltage range and input frequency range.

Industrial grade UPS systems have high availability and strong manageability. They are mainly used in the strict operating environments of production lines such as semiconductors and electric water treatment, and in automatic control systems for oil and gas, petrochemicals, power generation, and power transmission.

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